Hello! This is Jonathan Feldman, here to discuss out recent Basic Computer Skills class with Calhoun High School.
The eVero Outreach team and I just had an amazing experience over at Sanford H. Calhoun High School in Merrick, New York. On Wednesday, January 16th, we taught 11 students from Calhoun High’s Prep for the Future vocational training program. This was my first time teaching a class on Microsoft Excel outside of our office! We covered a few basic topics with the class, including navigating through a spreadsheet, using math formulas, and creating tables and charts.
After we led our initial instruction, we had the Calhoun students try their hands at two exercises. In our first exercise, the students finished creating a table on office supplies, and used formulas to find the total costs. Then, in the following exercise, the students took a set of data on player statistics from the New York Yankees and put it into a table. Then, they turned this data into a bar chart.
By the end of the class, the students were good enough to start teaching us new things!
The eVero Outreach team had a great time instructing this class at Calhoun High School. It really felt good imparting this useful knowledge, and I hope it serves them well in the future. I’m already looking forward to our next Excel training!
The Prep for the Future staff also sent us a kind letter last week, which included the signatures of everyone who attended the class. It read:
We’d like to thank you all for coming to Calhoun yesterday to teach the Microsoft Excel class. We all felt that the information that you taught was invaluable, and the students were very engaged and appreciative for your time. The dedication and partnership you have with Calhoun High School is very much appreciated.
Thank you so much to Calhoun High School for having us!
Written By: Jonathan Feldman
This blog post was written by a member of the eVero Outreach team. The Outreach program aims to teach individuals with disabilities marketable job skills, and enable them to find gainful employment. To learn more about eVero Outreach, click here.