My name is Melissa T. Longo, and I’ve been a proud family member of eVero since June 6th — only a month! I’ve met the most amazing people to ever know and we’re all a team. It feels so wonderful and new to me!
I knew about eVero for about a year prior to joining. I use eVero’s MyCarePortal™ for my own disability care and submitting my monthly expense report. I always liked how everything was so organized, compared to me having to manually scan 8-10 pages into one file, or keeping up with my scanner — which may or may have not been evil. (We will never know!)
Fast forward to a year later: My job coach, Alyssa Y., recommended eVero to me as a possible job opportunity and a way to further my career path.
Every day I come into work, I always learn something new; no matter if it’s our internal CRM & Ticketing system, how to help our clients and my fellow team members, or what else to learn in the newness that is Technology. Personally, I’ve never been somewhere where I feel a part of something evolutionary before! I can be hands-on with my own learning, such as watching instructional videos (on topics like Invoicing, Brokers, or ‘Release Snapshots’) on eVero Ed, or even shadowing my coworkers to learn first-hand how to better resolve an issue for a client, so the both of us can have a better relationship.
On my downtime, I’m a spoken word artist, poetess, and kalimba player (…not a ninja, but close).
I attended my first-ever eVero party at the end of July. We had an office party for our CEO’s birthday, where we raced with a car on a wooden spoon! Nathalie H. (Possible Queen, Client Support Manager, and Support Staff Supervisor) won the race, and John Peterson came in as the Runner-Up, while I took my sweet time.
Everyone very much enjoyed the day! I had no idea that a toy car could ever stay on a wooden spoon like so — Who knew that physics would be on our side that day? Nothing like great food, great people, and even greater prizes at a place that treats everyone well.

I wrote a short poem inspired the party:
A time
Near and far
Through space, there was a race
With a mighty spoon
All were tested on this day
If you’re interested in reading more of my original work, please search Poet Melissa Longo on Facebook:
Thank you for reading!
Written By: Melissa Longo
This blog post was written by an eVero employee affiliated with our Outreach program. eVero Outreach aims to teach individuals with disabilities marketable job skills, and enable them to find and secure gainful employment.