New York Disability Pride Month 2020
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Turns 30 Years Old This Year!
July 26th, 2020 marks the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act! Throughout the month of July, we’ll be celebrating the ADA’s impact on our society and this landmark anniversary — but with social distancing in mind!
We’re excited to share some virtual events happening all month long. From workshops and discussions to live-streams and educational resources, there are countless ways to celebrate Disability Pride in New York this July.
Are there any events or activities happening to celebrate Disability Pride?
With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting New York this July, there are changes to the way in which we’ll be celebrating Disability Pride.
While the Disability Pride NYC Parade may be cancelled, even amidst a global pandemic, we are #NewYorkTough. And as New Yorkers, we know how to celebrate!
There are a number of unique events happening this year to celebrate Disability Pride — from panels and educational discussions to fully-virtual festivals — and we’re excited to share them with you! These events require registration, but they are all free or low-cost, and each one is happening virtually.
We hope this will help you to celebrate Disability Pride all month long while keeping safe and socially distant!
The NYC Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) is presenting a number of virtual gatherings via Zoom. You must register to receive the Zoom link via email.
- July 9th, 2020 — Presentation on Creating Accessible Websites
- July 13th, 2020 — Virtual discussion on The 50th Anniversary of Disabled in Action (DIA)
- July 23rd, 2020 — Presentation on Accessible Social Media & Videos
If you would like to register for any of these virtual presentations, please visit the New York City Mayor’s Office Calendar of Events.
The Museum, Arts and Culture Access Consortium (MAC) is hosting a series of workshops celebrating the ADA turning 30. These workshops are open to everyone:
- July 8th, 2020 — Disability Justice and the Arts: Listening and Learning for Reinvention
- July 15th, 2020 — A People’s History of the ADA
- July 22nd, 2020 — Disability Studies and Self-Advocacy in the Cultural Field
Click here to learn more and register for any of the MAC virtual workshops.
The Achilles ‘Hope & Possibility’ 5k /10-Mile Run is happening for the first time this July! This event encourages people to ‘come together’ virtually to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the ADA by empowering athletes with disabilities and working towards a more inclusive tomorrow. The idea for this virtual run is to choose your distance, use a timer/virtual GPS app, take your run (privately, wherever you can safely do it), and update your time online.
Registration is $10 for individuals with disabilities, and general registration is $20. To learn more or register for the Achilles Virtual ‘Hope & Possibility” 5k/10-Miler, please visit their website.
Disability Unite is hosting a Free Virtual Festival on Sunday, July 26th, 2020.
This festival will commemorate 30 years of the Americans with Disability Act! The virtual festival will include a 4-hour live stream event with music, dancing discussion, gaming, and more.
To attend the Disability Unite Pride Festival 2020, all you have to do is register with your full name and email address.
To do so, please head over to the Disability Unite website and click the blue ‘Sign Up for Events‘ button on the front page. (Or alternative, you can click the orange ‘Attend‘ button at the top of their website!)
This year’s Disability Pride Month NY is going to look a little different from previous years, but that doesn’t mean we’ll have any trouble celebrating.
With all the virtual events being held to raise disability awareness and provide educational resources, Disability Pride 2020 — and the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act — will be a celebration to remember.