The eVero Outreach team had the pleasure of hosting a Disability Employment Mentoring Day, complete with a series of mock interviews, for ACCES-VR in celebration of NDEAM month.

Each year, we celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) in October to recognize the valuable contributions that individuals with disabilities make in the workplace. As a business committed to the NY EmployAbility pledge, our Outreach team collaborates closely with the community to host workshops and events aimed at empowering differently-abled individuals as they navigate the job market and transition into the workforce.

This past October the eVero office and the eVero Outreach team had the pleasure of hosting a Disability Employment Mentoring Day, complete with a series of mock interviews!  Working with Doreen Nobile from ACCES-VR, our team conducted mock job interviews for a small group of individuals. These sessions helped participants increase their face-to-face meeting comfort level, sharpen their interview skills, and allowed them to ask questions they had about potential employers.

This week, we received a heartwarming note about the impact our workshop had on Christopher. We’re thrilled to share that he was offered a position and began his new job at the end of November!

(TOP) eVero’s Sr. Client Support Manager Michael Fishon meets with Christopher during a mock interview. (LEFT) Our Business Manager Jeannine Azan answers questions about the interview process.